Recipe Soto Lamongan

Recipe Soto Lamongan

Recipe Soto Lamongan - One type of regional cuisine that has been widely known is Soto. In general, Soto is a soupy dishes like soup with spices and meat plus either beef or chicken. Currently in Indonesia, especially in Java, there are various types such as Soto Kudus Soto, Soto Betawi and are not less popular is Soto Lamongan. Although pembuatanya not much different way, but the kind of soup that has the characteristic of each. For example Soto Betawi using coconut milk or cow bowel ditambahan Lamongan Soto has a yellowish clear broth with various spices. To get a serving of soup lamongan actually not quite as difficult as Soto Lamongan seller is spread in some areas, not only in Lamongan alone. But if the area you having trouble finding a seller Soto Lamongan, it could not hurt to make yourself at home. The following ingredients and seasoning soup lamongan and how to make it.
Materials and spices are necessary:

1/2 chicken tail
red onion 3 eggs
3 cloves garlic
ginger 3 cm
turmeric 1 cm
pecan 4 pieces
galangal 1 vertebra
2 stalks lemongrass
5 pieces of bay leaf
orange leaves 10 sheets
leeks 2 sticks
Minya fried taste
salt to taste
1 teaspoon ground pepper
coriander powder 1 tablespoon
1 1/2 liter water
Koya Ingredients:

5 pieces of prawn crackers
4 cloves garlic
Supplementary material:

5 celery stalks
bean sprouts taste
cabbage taste
lemon 1 piece
eggs 4 cloves
How to make:

Clean the chicken and cut into small pieces.
2. Puree onion, ginger, garlic, turmeric, and pecan
3. Prepare other spices namely galangal, lime leaves, lemon grass, leaves and bay leaves Baang
4. Heat oil and saute ground spices. After fragrant spices followed by others.
Put the chicken, pepper and coriander powder. Ungkep for 10 minutes for the flavors to infuse into the meat of chicken.
At the time mengungkep chicken, boil 1.5 liters of water and wait for it to boil
7. After boiling the chicken stir input use low heat and cook for 30 minutes. Lift
8. Make Koya manner 4 cloves garlic sliced ​​and fried. Fried shrimp crackers. Kemduian mashed garlic and prawn crackers last until smooth.
9. Clean bean sprouts and cabbage and slice finely. Brewed using boiling water (not too long)
10. Racik ingredients such as rice, bean sprouts, chicken, cabbage in a bowl and pour the soup broth.
Add complementary materials such as eggs, celery, Koya, chili and lime.
Thus lamongan soup recipe that you can try at home. You also can add other ingredients in the recipe above as Soun or other ingredients to taste. Lamongan Soto Serve while still warm, because when it's cold will certainly diminish its flavor.

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